

Welcome to our website! It is here that you will find information about a seminary science project that has as its goal introducing and, in some cases, strengthening science in the pre-theology and college programs of Roman Catholic seminaries in the United States. Here, too, is information about $10,000 grants we have been able to offer – an initiative generously funded by the John Templeton Foundation. Click here to learn more about the initiative.

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Winter 2018
An engaging interview with Reverend George V. Coyne, S.J., an astrophysicist and former director of the Vatican Observatory for almost 30 years 

Fall 2017
An exciting (and popular) course on Food & Faith; tips on preaching to techies; an amazing collection of 41 science courses in US-RC seminaries, and MORE!

Spring 2017
Essay Competition Winners, Reflections from Agustín Fuentes, Outer Space at the Movies, The Age of Disbelief, and More

Winter 2017
New Science Courses Start, New Short Science Films, Pope Francis on the Critical Need for Science, and More

Planning Team and Major Advisors
