Best Practices Resource Guide:
Science-Faith Courses for Seminaries
For the past three years, instructors at Roman Catholic seminaries in the United States have been designing, scheduling, and teaching science courses. In that time, 20 Roman Catholic major seminaries and four college seminaries delivered 41 full-fledged, for-credit, new, and sometimes required courses in seminary curricula. The result was far more than we expected, or thought possible.
On-site visits to classes by this project’s Core Team, as well as course assessments provided by the instructors themselves, consistently revealed creativity in design, assignments, scheduling, advertising, outreach, student goals, resources, and faculty development. We have gathered some of these discerning pedagogical choices, designating them “Best Practices” — aware that one size does not fit all yet under the assumption that even seasoned instructors welcome knowing what others have done with some measure of success.