December 8, 2016

Espanol / Italiano

122. A sound pastoral formation demands not only engaging in apostolic activities, but also the study of pastoral theology. This will benefit, where necessary, from the useful contribution of the human sciences, especially of psychology, pedagogy and sociology.

142. … The synthesis of knowledge required of the seminarian embraces all the other areas of priestly life, and not just the academic. The professors, in sharing and taking upon themselves the Plan of Formation of the Seminary, insofar as pertains to them, ought to spur on the seminarians, and help them to make progress both in the area of knowledge and scientific research and in that of the spiritual life.

159 … Contemporary philosophical speculation must also be taken into account — especially those aspects that exert a major influence in one’s own country — along with the progress of modern sciences, so that seminarians can be adequately prepared for dialogue with others, by being properly aware of the salient trends in society.

163. Due attention should be given to the human sciences, such as sociology, pedagogy, and psychology, in the aspects most relevant to formation for priestly ministry. This will expand within seminarians the capacity to know the human soul, in all its richness and frailty, in order to facilitate the formulation of calm and balanced judgements regarding people and situations.

187. Practical Guidelines. Regarding teaching methods, the following should be taken into consideration: …

(c) Interdisciplinary seminars should be offered, to make common study more fruitful and to promote creative collaboration between teachers and seminarians at the scientific and intellectual level; …
(e) The seminarians should be introduced to the study of various pastoral questions by a scientific method, so that they can better comprehend the intimate connection between life, piety and the knowledge attained in lectures;

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