** course repeated second time
*** course repeated third time
Courses Offered in Spring 2016
The Transfigured Brain:
The Relationship between Brain Science, Ritual and Mysticism
Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology, Wickliffe, OH
Edward Kaczuk, Ph.D. Music Theory & Composition (Kent State University)
Rev. Michael G. Woost, S.T.L. Theology (Catholic University of America)
Creation and Science
Immaculate Conception Seminary, South Orange, NJ
Rev. Joseph R. Laracy, S.M. Engineering Systems (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), S.T.L. Theology (Pontifical Gregorian University)
Courses Offered in Fall 2016
Darwin and Naturalism
Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland
Christopher Anadale, Ph.D. Philosophy (Emory University)
Theology of Marriage and Human Sexuality
St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, California
Rev. Luke Dysinger, O.S.B., D. Phil., Theology (Oxford University), M.D. (University of Southern California)
Catholicism in an Evolving World
Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio, Texas
Sister Linda Gibler, O.P., Ph.D. Philosophy and Religion (California Institute of Integral Studies – CIIS)
Scott Woodward, D. Min. Theology (Oblate School of Theology)
Integral Anthropology:
Evolution in Dialogue with Catholic Theology and Philosophy
St. Joseph Seminary College, St. Benedict, Louisiana
Cory Hayes, Ph.D. Theology (Duquesne University)
**The Transfigured Brain:
The Relationship between Brain Science, Ritual and Mysticism
Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology, Wickliffe, Ohio
Edward Kaczuk, Ph.D. Music Theory & Composition (Kent State University)
Rev. Michael G. Woost, S.T.L. Theology (Catholic University of America)
**Creation and Science
Immaculate Conception Seminary, South Orange, New Jersey
Rev. Joseph R. Laracy, S.M. Engineering Systems (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), S.T.L. Theology (Pontifical Gregorian University)
Science: A Theology of Creation
Mount Angel Seminary, St. Benedict, Oregon
Br. Louis de Montfort Nguyen, O.S.B., M.D. (University of California, Davis)
What Does Science Prove? Topics at the Intersection of Science and Religion
Borromeo Seminary, Wickliffe, Ohio
Beth Rath, Ph.D. Philosophy (St. Louis University)
Courses Offered in Spring 2017
The Emergence of the Image:
Human Evolution from Biological, Philosophical and Theological Perspectives
Notre Dame Seminary and Graduate School of Theology, New Orleans, LA
Christopher T. Baglow, Ph.D. Theology (Duquesne University)
Only Wonder Comprehends
Athenaeum of Ohio/Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West, Cincinnati, OH
Marco Caggioni, Ph.D. Physics (Harvard University)
Giorgio Ambrosio, Ph.D. Applied Science (at Fermilab, Chicago)
Deacon Tracy W. Jamison, Ph.D. Philosophy (University of Cincinnati)
Virtues, Vices and Addiction
St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, CA
Rev. Luke Dysinger, O.S.B., D. Phil. Theology (Oxford University), M.D. (University of Southern California)
Statistics and the New Evangelization
Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD
Layton Field, Ph.D. Sociology, (Texas A&M University)
John D. Love, Ph.D. Theology, (Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome)
Fundamentals of Science at the Foundations of Faith
University of Saint Mary of the Lake / Mundelein Seminary, Mundelein, IL
Rev. John Kartje, Ph.D. Astronomy and Astrophysics (University of Chicago), S.T.D. (Catholic University of America)
Liturgical Piety: Anthropological Foundations of Catholic Worship
Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology, Berkeley, CA
Rev. Christopher J. Renz, O.P., Ph.D. Microbiology-Immunology (Northwestern University), M.A. Theology (Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA)
Science in the Light of Faith
Holy Apostles College and Seminary, Cromwell, Connecticut
Stacy Trasancos, Ph.D. Chemistry (Pennsylvania State University), M.A. Theology (Holy Apostles College and Seminary)
Human Genetics and Biotechnologies: Challenges for Science and Religion
Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
Rev. Andrea Vicini, S.J., M.D. (University of Bologna), Ph.D. Theological Ethics (Boston College)
Courses Offered in Summer 2017
***Creation and Science
Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology, South Orange, NJ
Rev. Joseph Laracy, S.M. Engineering Systems (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), S.T.L. Theology (Pontifical Gregorian University)
Courses Offered in Fall 2017
Science and Theology of Food
Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology, South Orange, NJ
Rev. Gerald Buonopane, Ph.D. Food Science (Pennsylvania State University)
Cosmos and Creation: Perspectives on Scientific Discoveries and the Intelligibility of Human Experience
Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Wynnewood, PA
James M. Despres, Ph.D. (Cand. ABD) Philosophy (Catholic University of America)
**Theology of Marriage and Human Sexuality
St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, CA
Rev. Luke Dysinger, O.S.B., D. Phil. Theology (Oxford University), M.D. (University of Southern California)
Stress & Resiliency: Scientific and Pastoral Approaches
St. Mary’s Seminary & University, Baltimore, MD
Patricia Fosarelli, M.D. (University of Maryland School of Medicine), D.Min., Spirituality (Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC)
Science and Theology: In Dialogue for the New Evangelization
Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, St. Louis, MO
Edward Hogan, Ph.D. Systematic Theology (Boston College)
***The Transfigured Brain: The Relationship between Brain Science, Ritual and Mysticism
Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology, Wickliffe, OH
Edward Kaczuk, Ph.D. Music Theory & Composition (Kent State University)
Rev. Michael Woost, S.T.L. Theology (Catholic University of America)
Science, Faith and Knowledge
St. Pius X Seminary, Dubuque, IA
Jacob Kohlhaas, Ph.D. Theology (Duquesne University)
Christoffer Lammer-Heindel, Ph.D. Philosophy (University of Iowa)
Theology and Scientific Methodology
St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, Boynton Beach, FL
Antonio Lopez, Ph.D. Philosophy (Fordham University)
**Science: A Theology of Creation
Mount Angel Seminary, St. Benedict, OR
Bro. Louis de Montfort Nguyen, O.S.B., M.D. (University of California, Davis)
**What Does Science Prove? Topics at the Intersection of Science and Religion
Borromeo Seminary, Wickliffe, OH
Beth Rath, Ph.D. Philosophy (St. Louis University)
What is a Human Being? Evolution’s Gift to Theology for Responding to this Question
Saint John’s University School of Theology and Seminary, Collegeville, MN
Vincent M. Smiles, Ph.D. Theology (Fordham University)
Science and Forgiveness
Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, Hales Corners, WI
James Stroud, S.T.D. Moral Theology and Ethics (Catholic University of America)
Jeremy W. Blackwood, Ph.D. Religious Studies (Marquette University)
Brian Yong Lee, Ph.D. Theology (University of Notre Dame)
Patrick J. Russell, Ph.D. Religious Studies (Marquette University)
Can the Mind be Reduced the Brain?
Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley, CA
Marga Vega, Ph.D. (Universidad de Valladolid)
Courses Scheduled for Spring 2018
**Darwin and Naturalism
Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD
Christopher Anadale, Ph.D. Philosophy (Emory University)
**The Emergence of the Image: Human Evolution from Biological, Philosophical and Theological Perspectives
Notre Dame Seminary and Graduate School of Theology, New Orleans, LA
Christopher Baglow, Ph.D. Theology (Duquesne University)
Behavioral Ecology
Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary, Indianapolis, IN
David Benson, Ph.D. Zoology (Washington State University)
Mark Reasoner, Ph.D. New Testament & Early Christian Literature (University of Chicago)
Man and Woman He Created Them: What Science Tells Us about Gender
Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, St. Louis, MO
John D. Finley, Ph.D. Philosophy (University of Dallas)
**Integral Anthropology: Evolution in Dialogue with Catholic Theology and Philosophy
St. Joseph Seminary College, St. Benedict, LA
Cory Hayes, Ph.D. Theology (Duquesne University)
Divine Action in the Natural World
St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, NY
Michael A. Hoonhout, Ph.D. Systematic Theology (Boston College)
**Fundamentals of Science at the Foundations of Faith
University of Saint Mary of the Lake / Mundelein Seminary, Mundelein, IL
Rev. John Kartje, Ph.D. Astronomy and Astrophysics (University of Chicago), S.T.D. (Catholic University of America)
Cosmology: Scientific, Philosophical and Theological
St. John Vianney Theological Seminary, Denver, CO
Thomas McLaughlin, Ph.D. Philosophy (University of St. Thomas, Houston)
Joel Barstad, Ph.D. Medieval Institute (University of Notre Dame)
In the Image of God: Toward an Adequate Anthropology of the Person as the Image of the Divine
Mount Angel Seminary, St. Benedict, OR
Br. Louis de Montfort Nguyen, O.S.B., M.D. (University of California, Davis )
Courses Scheduled for Fall 2018
***Theology of Marriage and Human Sexuality
St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, CA
Rev. Luke Dysinger, O.S.B., D. Phil. Theology (Oxford University), M.D. (University of Southern California)
**Science in the Light of Faith
Holy Apostles College and Seminary, Cromwell, CT
Stacy Trasancos, Ph.D. Chemistry (Pennsylvania State University), M.A. Theology (Holy Apostles College and Seminary)
Courses Scheduled for Spring 2019
**Virtues, Vices and Addiction
St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, CA
Rev. Luke Dysinger, O.S.B., D. Phil. Theology (Oxford University), M.D. (University of Southern California)
***Statistics and the New Evangelization
Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD
Layton Field, Ph.D. Sociology (Texas A&M)
John Love, S.T.D. Theology, (Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome)
**Only Wonder Comprehends
Athenaeum of Ohio/ Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West, Cincinnati, OH
Tracy Jamison Ph.D. Philosophy (University of Cincinnati)
Marco Caggioni, Ph.D. Physics (Harvard University)
Giorgio Ambrosio, Ph.D. Applied Science (at Fermilab, Chicago)
Deacon Tracy W. Jamison, Ph.D. Philosophy (University of Cincinnati)
**Human Genetics and Biotechnologies: Challenges for Science and Religion
Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, Chestnut Hill, MA
Rev. Andrea Vicini, S.J., M.D. (University of Bologna), Ph.D. Theological Ethics (Boston College)
Courses Scheduled for Either Fall 2018 or Spring 2019
**Catholicism in an Evolving World
Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio, TX
Sr. Linda Gibler, O.P., Ph.D. Philosophy and Religion (California Institute of Integral Studies – CIIS)
Scott Woodward, D. Min (Oblate School of Theology)
**Liturgical Piety: Anthropological Foundations of Catholic Worship
Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley, CA
Rev. Christopher Renz, O.P., Ph.D. Microbiology-Immunology (Northwestern University), M.A. Theology (Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA)
** course repeated second time
*** course repeated third time